I received this from a member of the congregation:

(includes some additional description comment for discussion)


Principle 1:   we are One Church.


Principle 2:   we should spend most of our Corporate Time together as One Church family.


Principle 3:   that Corporate Time should have a single, ongoing, consistent goal (until such time as Leadership senses the need to revisit).  We should be able to say “Sunday’s at our Church is about…” and be able to rely upon it so we know what to expect.  Leaders, preachers, and everyone else will recognise this goal in preparation and presentation.


Principle 4:   we are relaxed enough to use different styles in delivering the goal in our Corporate Time – but the purpose must be reaching the goal (rather than just trying something different).


Principle 5:   it’s fine to have Corporate Time in split groupings – but only where it is required for / complimentary to the delivery of the goal.  (So we need to define the goal before we pre-determine whether we have two congregations.  However, Principle 1 would not preclude us doing a split Corporate Time once a month, if there was a reason under Principle 5).


Principle 6:   Other church activity outside of Corporate Time (e.g. house groups, prayer groups, finance team, outreach work, etc.) is equally valuable for Christian Life, and therefore Church Life.  However, such activity is about doing something that is different to our goal on Sundays.
(Note that the above considers both the current Morning Communion and the Sunday Evening services as being group time rather than “Corporate Time”, given the smaller numbers involved.  However, Principle 2 would support both the continuation and growth of these services as “most” of our Corporate Time would still be together.)


(of course, the above can be cut and shunted around with other principles).



The Goal:  Suppose the goal was “The Difference God makes” (or some variation: “God makes the difference” – but the present tense is really important).  This goal would suggest that the services be made accessible for anyone and everyone.  As a result, other church activity would need to deliver Discipleship in a focussed way to support continued Christian growth).

Each Sunday’s Corporate Time would still have an individual theme – but at all times look to recognise through everything that was brought that God makes the difference today.



A Visual

I see a tree.  The One Church is the trunk.  It gives strength and gets its nutrients from the sun, rain, and unseen root system.  God feeds us and we have a strong trunk.

The trunk supports the branches (our single goal, delivered by our corporate trunk time, should support the branches of our other activity).

So yes we have time apart (we wouldn’t cover so much area if we all stayed in one place the whole time); the branches increase our spread – but the branches only work because of the trunk, and it only works because of the roots.

Andy - but not the vicar
1/26/2010 01:01:19 am

I would like to make two comments on this:

Principle 2: if you compare the church family with day to day family life:- as a family we do some things together – eg eating, celebrating, but many things apart – eg learning, hobbies. We are still a family even when we do different things in different places.
So as a church we can look for the things we can do together. We already have major celebrations together (Christmas, Easter, etc). Why not regularly have meals together? At the same time we can recognise that some things are very difficult to always do together if we are going to meet the different needs of our diverse church.

Principle 6: I think that the 8am and evening congregations are just as much part of the church as the 10:30 congregations. I think we need to consider all the people and services as church and in our planning and thinking. This also comes back to my point above: from what I understand, the 8am services meets the needs of a group of people who find that they can best worship in the 8am style rather than either of the 10:30 service styles.

1/26/2010 09:13:59 pm

Thanks, Andy. I love the idea of eating together as a family.

I think the point about 8am and evening service wasn't that they weren't an important part of the church, but that they aren't (in Anglican language) the Prinicipal Service of the week.

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